WoW Vault is an instance, raid and boss guide for your iPhone or iPod Touch. This application gives instance strategies, boss abilities, maps, instance videos and so many other features and puts them right at your fingertips while you are playing the game.

WoW Vault is geared for tanks and other players alike that need instance and strategy information at the click of a button in real-time. Have a couple of minutes before the next boss fight? Read up on the next boss encounter; watch a raid video of the boss fight directly on your iPhone or iPod touch.
  This screen changes background between Alliance and Horde by way of the options screen. If you enjoy a particular instance, add it to your favorites!
  The options screen allows customization on sound events, table row coloring and controls the background shown on the main screen (Alliance or Horde).
This set of screens allows WoW Vault to find things the way you do, search by Instance Name, by Acronym, by Zone, by Continent, by Level Requirement, by Expansion or by Boss Name (PRO Edition).  
The instance view shows basic information such as minimum and recommended levels, zone, continent, and maximum players but also shows instance maps, instance videos and bosses (PRO Edition).  
Feature Comparison between LITE and PRO editions

Feature Description LITE Edition PRO Edition
Easy to navigate interface
Multiple ways to navigate to the same information (it works how you do)
Search by Instance, Acronym, Level, Zone, Expansion and more!
Add an instance to your Favorites list!
Add, Remove and Edit your Favorites list with ease.
Select a HORDE or ALLIANCE welcome screen background.
iPad Version (Universal iPhone/iPad App)
Full Instance Maps (Classic, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm)  
Full Instance Information (Level requirements, group size, max players, etc)
Instance Encounter Videos (10 man, 25 man, Heroic, etc)  
Search for Instances by Boss Name (also see bosses listed in Instance view)  
Free from all advertisement and nag screens!  
Includes Raid Composition Information (COMING SOON!)  
Instance Achievements (COMING SOON!)  
Instance Boss Loot (COMING SOON!)  
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